D:/Programs/odyssey/odyssey/include/InputFilters.h File Reference


namespace  Odyssey
namespace  Odyssey::Details


class  Odyssey::Details::_KeyFilter
class  Odyssey::Details::_MouseMoveDirectionFilter
class  Odyssey::Details::_MouseMoveFilter
class  Odyssey::Details::_MouseButtonFilter
class  Odyssey::Details::_AxisMoveDirectionFilter
class  Odyssey::Details::_AxisMoveFilter
class  Odyssey::Details::_PovMoveDirectionFilter
class  Odyssey::Details::_PovMoveFilter
class  Odyssey::Details::_JoyStickButtonFilter
class  Odyssey::Details::_OrFilter
class  Odyssey::Details::_NotFilter


_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::key_press (OIS::KeyCode code)
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::key_release (OIS::KeyCode code)
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::mouse_up ()
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::mouse_down ()
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::mouse_right ()
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::mouse_left ()
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::mouse_in ()
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::mouse_out ()
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::mouse_move (int32 x, int32 y, int32 z)
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::mouse_move_greater (int32 x, int32 y, int32 z)
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::mouse_move_less (int32 x, int32 y, int32 z)
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::mouse_press (OIS::MouseButtonID id)
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::mouse_release (OIS::MouseButtonID id)
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::axis_up (uint32 axis)
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::axis_down (uint32 axis)
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::axis_right (uint32 axis)
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::axis_left (uint32 axis)
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::axis_in (uint32 axis)
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::axis_out (uint32 axis)
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::axis_move (uint32 axis, int32 x, int32 y, int32 z)
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::axis_move_greater (uint32 axis, int32 x, int32 y, int32 z)
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::axis_move_less (uint32 axis, int32 x, int32 y, int32 z)
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::pov_up (uint32 axis)
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::pov_down (uint32 axis)
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::pov_right (uint32 axis)
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::pov_left (uint32 axis)
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::pov_in (uint32 axis)
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::pov_out (uint32 axis)
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::pov_move (uint32 axis, int32 x, int32 y, int32 z)
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::pov_move_greater (uint32 axis, int32 x, int32 y, int32 z)
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::pov_move_less (uint32 axis, int32 x, int32 y, int32 z)
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::joystick_press (int id)
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::joystick_release (int id)
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::or (InputAdapter *operand1, InputAdapter *operand2)
_EXPORT_ODYSSEY InputAdapter * Odyssey::not (InputAdapter *operand)

Detailed Description

This file declares various classes and declaration utilities for Filters that can be used for the ActionMapInputAdapter class.
Generated on Sun Jan 7 01:18:51 2007 for Odyssey Meta-Engine by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO