D:/Programs/odyssey/odyssey/include/variable.h File Reference


namespace  Odyssey
namespace  std


class  Odyssey::NullConverter< TargetT, SourceT >
 This is a utility class for null (do-nothing) conversions. More...
class  Odyssey::ExceptionConverter< TargetT, SourceT >
 A utility stream converter that throws a CastException every time it's called. More...
class  Odyssey::AnyConverter
 A utility converter to convert to and from Any. More...
class  Odyssey::variable_traits< TypeT >
 This is the standard traits holder class for generic data. More...
class  Odyssey::variable_traits_ex< TypeT, ParamT, StreamInT, StreamOutT, AnyInT, AnyOutT >
 A mix-in class for generating variable traits. More...
class  Odyssey::Local< TypeT, TraitsT >
 This is a utility type for wrapping a known type with conversion routines. More...
class  Odyssey::Variable
 The Variable is a generic data component with built-in conversions. More...
class  Odyssey::Variable::VariableHolder
 This class is the interface for accessing the generic data. More...
class  Odyssey::Variable::VariableHolderImpl< TraitsT >
 This is the concrete implementation that holds the data. More...
class  Odyssey::Variable::VariableHolderRefImpl< TraitsT >
 This is the concrete implementation that holds referenced data. More...
struct  Odyssey::Variable::extract< TypeT >


template<class T>
Variable Odyssey::var (T t)
 Constructs a variable from an object.
template<class T>
Variable Odyssey::var (const boost::reference_wrapper< T > &t)
 Constructs a variable from a reference to an object.
Variable Odyssey::var (const Variable &rhs)
template<class T, class U>
Variable Odyssey::var_ex (U u)
 Constructs a variable from an object with the given traits.
template<class T, class U>
Variable Odyssey::var_ex (const boost::reference_wrapper< U > &u)
 Constructs a variable from a reference to an object with the given traits.
template<class T>
Variable Odyssey::var_ex (const Variable &rhs)
template<class _Elem, class _Traits, class T, class U>
std::basic_ostream< _Elem,
_Traits > & 
std::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _Elem, _Traits > &stream, const Odyssey::Local< T, U > &rhs)
template<class _Elem, class _Traits, class T, class U>
std::basic_istream< _Elem,
_Traits > & 
std::operator>> (std::basic_istream< _Elem, _Traits > &stream, Odyssey::Local< T, U > &rhs)
template<class _Elem, class _Traits>
std::basic_ostream< _Elem,
_Traits > & 
std::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _Elem, _Traits > &stream, const Odyssey::Variable &rhs)
template<class _Elem, class _Traits>
std::basic_istream< _Elem,
_Traits > & 
std::operator>> (std::basic_istream< _Elem, _Traits > &stream, Odyssey::Variable &rhs)

Detailed Description

This file declares the Variable and Local classes. Utilities around these classes are also declared.
Generated on Sun Jan 7 01:18:51 2007 for Odyssey Meta-Engine by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO