Odyssey::AggregateMessageMarshaller Class Reference

#include <MessageMarshaller.h>

Inheritance diagram for Odyssey::AggregateMessageMarshaller:

Odyssey::MessageMarshaller List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 AggregateMessageMarshaller ()
void marshall (const Variable &val)
 This function stores each marshalled value in a list.
Variable getValue () const
 This function returns the genericly-wrapped list of marshalled values.

Detailed Description

This message marshaller stores all the marshalled values. What is returned at the end of the marshalling is a list of of the marshalled values.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Odyssey::AggregateMessageMarshaller::AggregateMessageMarshaller  ) 

Member Function Documentation

Variable Odyssey::AggregateMessageMarshaller::getValue  )  const [virtual]

This function returns the genericly-wrapped list of marshalled values.

Implements Odyssey::MessageMarshaller.

void Odyssey::AggregateMessageMarshaller::marshall const Variable val  )  [virtual]

This function stores each marshalled value in a list.

Implements Odyssey::MessageMarshaller.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sun Jan 7 01:18:53 2007 for Odyssey Meta-Engine by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO