Odyssey::Profiler Class Reference

The main profiling class for the library. More...

#include <Profiler.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void start (const String &name)
void stop ()
void log (LogLevel ll)

Static Public Member Functions

static ProfilergetSingleton ()


struct  ProfileSection

Detailed Description

The main profiling class for the library.

This class can profile section of code. It holds the total time, and the relative time and percentage of time for each section of code. It can also use the built-in logs to report its findings.

Member Function Documentation

static Profiler& Odyssey::Profiler::getSingleton  )  [static]

void Odyssey::Profiler::log LogLevel  ll  ) 

void Odyssey::Profiler::start const String name  ) 

void Odyssey::Profiler::stop  ) 

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sun Jan 7 01:18:53 2007 for Odyssey Meta-Engine by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO